Discord Bot

I created the `Legend` discord bot for use with table top role playing games. Inspired by similar bots and my desire to learn python, this was my frist major project with the language. The bot allows users to roll dice based on typed expressions such as `1d20 + 12`. Over time I added features such as being able to add custom rolls to a user profile. This allows users to save common rolls, such as a roll to attack with a specific weapon, and instead of writing out the expression everytime a user can simply roll the dice based on the name of the roll. Further customisation features include being able to change the colour of the dice shown in discord.



The most basic command for rolling dice, allows users to input an expression to be rolled.

Config Command


The Config command allows users to see and modify their custom configuration for the app

/conf view

View current user configuration

/conf update

Update current user configuration, when using /conf update, a drop down list of available properties appears to the user to change

Custom Dice Command


The Custom Roll command allows users to view, add, delete and use custom rolls in their profile

/cr check

Send an ephemeral message to the user showing their currently assigned custom rolls

/cr add

Allows the user to add a new custom roll to their profile. Options include the roll name, type (attack or other) and expression.

/cr delete

Asks the user to input a name and removes that dice roll if found.

/cr roll

Asks the user for a roll name and performs a roll based on the saved exprerssion. Optional extras allow for adding additional modifiers to the roll